May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

EDS 2024 & Resorts World FAQ

The 2024 EDS Lead­er­ship Sum­mit is relo­cat­ing to the stun­ning Resorts World Las Vegas, and we’re all excit­ed about our new venue! The EDS team is ded­i­cat­ed to ensur­ing a smooth tran­si­tion and keep­ing you updat­ed with the lat­est information.

Why is EDS moving from the Mirage this year?

The Mirage was pur­chased in 2022 by Hard Rock Inter­na­tion­al, and they will be exten­sive­ly rede­vel­op­ing the prop­er­ty. Orig­i­nal­ly, plans were to begin lat­er in the year, but the start of con­struc­tion was recent­ly moved up to the first half of 2024.


Will Resorts World be a good fit for EDS?

Absolute­ly! Resorts World opened in 2021, and by any mea­sure it is an excep­tion­al prop­er­ty. You’ll find a wide range of pre­mi­um ameni­ties, state-of-the-art con­ven­tion facil­i­ties with almost dou­ble the meet­ing rooms of the Mirage, sig­nif­i­cant­ly more suites and a greater range of din­ing options.


Are there EDS-only room discounts?

Yes. Resorts World will have a block of dis­count­ed guest rooms avail­able at $165/​night (exclu­sive of fees and tax­es), which is the same price as the Mirage. To secure this rate, please reg­is­ter through the offi­cial EDS reser­va­tion por­tal. As always, we strong­ly dis­cour­age the use of third-par­ty ser­vices to book rooms.


Can I arrive on Sunday, as I could at the Mirage?

Resorts World is strong­ly dis­cour­ag­ing EDS atten­dees from arriv­ing on Sun­day, May 19 as it will be extreme­ly busy. Offi­cial check-in will begin Mon­day, May 20 at 4pm.


I've already registered at the Mirage. Will I have to re-register?

No. EDS will trans­fer your reg­is­tra­tion to Resorts World. We will pro­vide fur­ther updates the week of Jan­u­ary 15.


Will there still be a Connections Cafe?

Yes. In fact, you’ll find that the Con­nec­tions Café at Resorts World will feel very famil­iar to last year’s Sum­mit. It will also fea­ture the ERA and ECIA exhib­it hubs.


Will catering be more expensive than at the Mirage?

Costs will be sim­i­lar. You can down­load a copy of the cater­ing menu here.


How much time will it take to travel from elevators to meeting rooms?

We will post esti­mat­ed times, plus a famil­iar­i­ty” video show­ing ele­va­tors, meet­ing rooms and com­mon spaces, in the com­ing weeks.


What about penalties for rebooking air travel?

Reim­burs­ing costs relat­ed to change of trav­el dates can be dis­cussed on an indi­vid­ual basis by con­tact­ing EDS Man­age­ment.


Will the scheduled TTI golf outing still take place?

Yes. The golf out­ing date has been moved to Tues­day, May 21.


When can exhibitors load-in?

Load-in will be avail­able begin­ning Sun­day, May 20. at 8 am. Please con­tact EDS Man­age­ment if you have spe­cif­ic needs.


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