May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

First Time at EDS?

Wel­come to the EDS Lead­er­ship Sum­mit! We’re pleased to have you as a par­tic­i­pant, and the Board of Direc­tors joins us in hop­ing that you achieve your goals at EDS.

Many com­pa­nies come to the Elec­tron­ic Dis­tri­b­u­tion Show (EDS) for the first time with­out real­iz­ing how dif­fer­ent the Lead­er­ship Sum­mit is from a tra­di­tion­al trade show, both because it is more of a sell-through than a sell-to envi­ron­ment, and because of its empha­sis on qual­i­ty rather than quan­ti­ty. There are rel­a­tive­ly few com­pa­nies in the con­cen­trat­ed tar­get audi­ence, and even if 100 per­cent of the invi­tees came, instead of our usu­al 85 per­cent (in itself a remark­able num­ber in the trade show world), traf­fic would be spread out, with 150 dis­trib­u­tor com­pa­nies, and approx­i­mate­ly 600 per­son­nel, to be shared” among 300 manufacturers. 

Because the EDS Lead­er­ship Sum­mit is so dif­fer­ent, you must plan for it dif­fer­ent­ly. To help you plan, we have put togeth­er an exten­sive ori­en­ta­tion pro­gram and the details are includ­ed here.

Again we are pleased to wel­come you to EDS, and we look for­ward to meet­ing you per­son­al­ly in Las Vegas.

First Timer Resources

First Timer’s FAQ: Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about EDS and how to make the most of attending.

Base­camp Meet­ing SpaceBase­camp Meet­ing Spaces allow Man­u­fac­tur­ers to take part in the EDS action even if they don’t have enough appoint­ments to war­rant a pri­vate meet­ing room or hotel suite. Man­u­fac­tur­ers attend­ing EDS for the first time may also be eli­gi­ble to reg­is­ter at a spe­cial rate.

EDS Match­mak­er: Con­nect with poten­tial chan­nel part­ners — Man­u­fac­tur­ers, Dis­trib­u­tors and Reps. EDS Match­mak­er enables com­pa­nies to quick­ly find the right net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. It’s easy, reward­ing and saves valu­able time. When­ev­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, dis­trib­u­tors or reps access EDS Match­mak­er, they can search the list of EDS 2025 com­pa­nies by type or by com­pa­ny and know that they are con­nect­ing with com­pa­nies open to new busi­ness con­nec­tions. *NOTE: Request­ing an appoint­ment is not a guar­an­tee that your request will be accept­ed. Please fol­low up to con­firm any appoint­ments and changes in time and location.

Logis­ti­cal Arrange­ments for EDS: You will find details for ship­ping, space require­ments, sig­nage, elec­tri­cal, and much, much more on the Logis­tics & Sup­port page of this web­site. Please review all of the mate­ri­als care­ful­ly includ­ed in this section.

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