May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Plan­ning and Pro­mo­tion Overview

Con­nect with the top Distributors

Got a prod­uct to sell? You have to bring it to EDS. Near­ly 400 dis­trib­u­tors and 1,200 top per­son­nel will be here and they’re look­ing for the best new prod­ucts — like yours.

How do you reach them when you’re here? Keep read­ing for tips on mak­ing the most of your EDS experience.


  1. Advance Appoint­ments Are The Key To Suc­cess At EDS
  2. Pre-EDS Pro­mo­tion Is The Key To Advance Appointments

Adver­tise, pub­li­cize, write, fax, e‑mail and call, so your cus­tomers know you are offer­ing some­thing valu­able at EDS in exchange for their time. Tell your distributors:

How see­ing you will prof­it them!
When you want to see them — Which day! What time!
Why you want to see them, what you want to see them about.
Where you want to see them — Your Booth, Euro Suite, Hotel Suite or Con­fer­ence Unit.

These are some DOs and DON’Ts to con­sid­er in plan­ning your pre-EDS promotion:

DO call your dis­trib­u­tors for appoint­ments.
DO have some­thing spe­cial to offer or to talk about. Exhibitors who offer Show Spe­cials at EDS say they work well; that’s why they repeat them, year after year.
DO intro­duce new prod­ucts.
DO involve your reps in appoint­ment-mak­ing.
DO send out let­ters and fly­ers about your EDS spe­cial activ­i­ties and pro­mo­tions.
DO adver­tise your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the trade papers that your cus­tomers read.
DO pro­vide your Booth num­ber, Con­fer­ence Unit num­ber, Euro Suite, and/​or Hotel Suite num­ber.
DO aug­ment your basic list­ing on this web­site with addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about your dis­tri­b­u­tion pro­gram..
DO pub­li­cize your activ­i­ties at EDS on the offi­cial EDS app.
DON’T trust to luck or ran­dom traf­fic to keep you busy. The wheel that squeaks the loud­est gets the grease.

Spon­sor­ship Opportunities

Show­case your com­pa­ny in front of 4,000 of the indus­try’s top deci­sion mak­ers. EDS Spon­sor­ship Opportunities

EDS Graph­ics

As a ser­vice to exhibitors, EDS logos, ads and dig­i­tal ban­ners are avail­able for down­load.

Use this art­work in rep bul­letins, dis­trib­u­tor newslet­ters, pre-EDS adver­tis­ing, on your web site, adver­tis­ing in the EDS news­pa­per and Direc­to­ry and in your Show Spe­cial announce­ment literature.

Ad Agencies/P.R. Firms

EDS badges are avail­able free to the mar­ket­ing sup­port firms serv­ing exhibitors. Agency per­son­nel should be badged in their own names, not as part of your staff.

EDS Sum­mit Program

The EDS Sum­mit Pro­gram is dis­trib­uted to atten­dees on-site at reg­is­tra­tion. Infor­ma­tion on adver­tis­ing in the EDS Sum­mit Pro­gram is avail­able here.

EDS Web App

The EDS Web App pro­vides you with a sin­gle, easy-to-use source to see who’s here, find maps and info, the offi­cial EDS sched­ule, news and updates from EDS and more. Just vis­it edssum​mit​.com on your phone dur­ing the sum­mit, and be sure to save it to your home screen for easy access.

Pub­lic­i­ty Materials

The Show Cor­po­ra­tion will main­tain a press area at the hotel dur­ing EDS, where you can deposit pub­lic­i­ty mate­r­i­al for pick-up by attend­ing press. But press atten­dance at EDS is selec­tive, and most of the impor­tant indus­try pub­li­ca­tions assume that your press infor­ma­tion has been sent to their home offices, so they may not review the press room packets.

We rec­om­mend that you mail your EDS press kit to the media in advance of EDS, and bring only a min­i­mum num­ber of press kits to Las Vegas for drop-in” pub­li­ca­tions. Sev­en to ten kits will be ade­quate. A list­ing of key trade papers is here.

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