May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Sup­port our sum­mit, and show­case your busi­ness to the peo­ple who mat­ter most.

EDS Spon­sor­ship Opportunities

EDS spon­sor­ship offers unique oppor­tu­ni­ties to both sup­port the Elec­tron­ic Com­po­nent Industry’s pre­mier event and to direct­ly engage your brand with an elite audi­ence of senior-lev­el executives.

A wide selec­tion of spon­sor­ship options are avail­able to accom­mo­date your mar­ket­ing objec­tives and bud­get, includ­ing pro­mo­tion­al items, exhib­it-area ban­ners, sig­nage, and dig­i­tal ads. 

Spon­sor­ship options are also avail­able for autho­rized ser­vice providers.

Please fill and and sub­mit the Ear­ly Spon­sor­ship Request form or con­tact EDS Man­age­ment at info@​edssummit.​com for addi­tion­al information.

Spon­sor­ship Levels

Title Plat­inum Lev­el Spon­sor: $25,000 SOLD

  • Lim­it­ed to one sponsor
  • Com­pa­ny logo promi­nent­ly dis­played on dig­i­tal and print­ed signs through­out Sum­mit site iden­ti­fy­ing your com­pa­ny as the Plat­inum Sponsor
  • Promi­nent logo place­ment as the Plat­inum Spon­sor on EDS web app, which will fea­ture dig­i­tal ver­sions of the Sum­mit Dai­ly and event photography
  • Recog­ni­tion as the Plat­inum Spon­sor on the EDS website
  • Promi­nent logo place­ment on print­ed map/​schedule dis­trib­uted on-site at badge pick-up
  • Con­nec­tions Café sponsorship
    • Logo on EDS mar­ket­ing emails (spon­sored by x”)
    • Sig­nage in Con­nec­tions Café
  • Full page ad in EDS Sum­mit Pro­gram (pre­mi­um placement)
  • Product/​service call out on LinkedIn Group page and boost­ed post (Over 2,000 Members)
  • Plat­inum Spon­sor rib­bon affixed to your name badge

Gold Lev­el Spon­sor: $12,500

  • Com­pa­ny logo promi­nent­ly dis­played on dig­i­tal and print­ed signs through­out Sum­mit site iden­ti­fy­ing your com­pa­ny as a Gold Sponsor
  • Logo place­ment as a Gold Spon­sor on EDS web app, which will fea­ture dig­i­tal ver­sions of the Sum­mit Dai­ly and event photography
  • Recog­ni­tion as a Gold Spon­sor on the EDS website
  • Spon­sored mas­sage chairs in Con­nec­tions Café
  • Spon­sored WiFi in con­fer­ence area 
  • Full page ad in the EDS Sum­mit Program
  • Spon­sor­ship call out on LinkedIn Group page 
  • Gold Spon­sor rib­bon affixed to your name badge

Sil­ver Lev­el Spon­sor: $8,000

  • Com­pa­ny logo promi­nent­ly dis­played on dig­i­tal and print­ed signs through­out Sum­mit site iden­ti­fy­ing your com­pa­ny as a Sil­ver Sponsor
  • Logo place­ment as a Sil­ver Spon­sor on EDS web app, which will fea­ture dig­i­tal ver­sions of the Sum­mit Dai­ly and event photography
  • Recog­ni­tion as a Sil­ver Spon­sor on the EDS website
  • Spon­sored wat­ter bubblers/​filling stations
  • Half page ad in the EDS Sum­mit Program
  • Sil­ver Spon­sor rib­bon affixed to your name badge

Bronze Lev­el Spon­sor: $5,500

  • Com­pa­ny logo promi­nent­ly dis­played on ban­ners and signs through­out Sum­mit site iden­ti­fy­ing your com­pa­ny as a Bronze Sponsor
  • Logo place­ment as a Bronze Spon­sor on EDS web app, which will fea­ture dig­i­tal ver­sions of the Sum­mit Dai­ly and event photography
  • Recog­ni­tion as a Bronze lev­el spon­sor on the EDS website
  • Bronze Spon­sor rib­bon affixed to your name badge

Addi­tion­al Spon­sor­ship Opportunities

Con­tact for details

  • Indi­vid­ual hand san­i­tiz­er – depen­dent on quantity 
  • Hand san­i­tiz­er kiosk A – $1,050
  • Hand san­i­tiz­er kiosk B – $2,700
  • Wall clings – con­tact for pricing
  • Car­pet clings – con­tact for pricing
  • Table top clings (cock­tail table) – $125
  • Con­nec­tions Café charg­ing sta­tions – $3,400
  • Lan­yards (ser­vice providers only) – $6,800 SOLD
  • Con­nec­tions Café food spon­sor­ships – $1,000 + cost
    Pop­corn wag­on, cook­ies, ice cream, mar­gari­ta bar, barista bar
  • Brand­ed room keys – $15,000
  • Still or motion graph­ics on dig­i­tal dis­play boards in con­ven­tion area – con­tact for pricing
  • Still or motion graph­ics on dig­i­tal dis­play boards in pub­lic areas / the Dis­trict – con­tact for pricing
  • Motion graph­ics on The Globe – con­tact for pricing 

Web App adver­tis­ing rates

  • Ban­ner ads – $525
    Ban­ner ads are 640px x 100px (dis­played at 320px x 50px). Promi­nent­ly dis­played in the EDS web app, one per page, through­out the week of the Sum­mit. There is no lim­it on how many ban­ners may be purchased.
  • Spon­sored posts – $1,050
    Sim­i­lar to a social media post, high­light­ing a com­pa­ny or event. They are insert­ed as atten­dees scroll through the Posts sec­tion of the web app. Spon­sored posts con­sist of one 1400px x 1400px image (dis­played at 700px x 700px), plus up to 100 words of copy and one linked URL. Spon­sored posts are lim­it­ed to one per day (four total). They will be post­ed on the home­page and Posts sec­tion of the web app on the morn­ing of the select­ed day, and will remain in the feed through­out the week of the summit.

Sum­mit Pro­gram adver­tis­ing rates

  • Inside front cov­er – $3,100
  • Back cov­er – $3,100
  • Inside back cov­er – $2,800
  • Full page – $2,700 
  • Half page – $1,900
  • Quar­ter Page – $1,500

Spark Spon­sor­ship

Spark 1.0 will be in-per­son at EDS 2024

  • Hap­py Hour – $1,500
  • Lunch – $1,000

If you are inter­est­ed in any of our spon­sor­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties, con­tact EDS Man­age­ment today and see what we can deliv­er to fit your pro­mo­tion­al budget.

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