May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Get to know Resorts World

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Get a look at the con­fer­ence space and hotel suites avail­able at Resorts World Las Vegas

Din­ing at Resorts World

The prop­er­ty fea­tures an exten­sive food and bev­er­age port­fo­lio offer­ing a wide range of cui­sine — from authen­tic street food to fine din­ing by award-win­ning chefs from around the globe.

Famous Foods Street Eats

  • Ah Chun Shan­dong Dumpling – Tra­di­tion­al Shan­dong dumplings and hand- pulled noo­dle dish­es — $$
  • Blood Bros BBQ – Clas­sic Texas BBQ — $$
  • Boon Tong Kee – Hainanese chick­en rice cooked in chick­en broth — $$
  • Burg­er Barn – Deluxe burg­er options — $-$$
  • Famous Foods Cen­ter Bar – Bar with inno­v­a­tive self-pour beer sys­tem — $$
  • Famous Phở – Tra­di­tion­al phở selec­tions — $-$$
  • FUHU Cha Chaan Teng – Dim Sum, con­gee, rice, noo­dle dish­es, soups and more — $$-$$$
  • FUHU Shack – Peking duck bur­ri­tos — $$
  • Gey­lang Clay­pot Rice – Tra­di­tion­al South­east Asian rice dish­es — $$
  • Goog­gle Man’s Char Kuey Teow – Rice and egg noo­dles dish­es — $$
  • Han’s Fish & Chips - Tra­di­tion­al U.K. dish­es with cod or had­dock and fries — 
  • Hara­juku Ramen – Spe­cial­ty ramen dish­es — $$
  • Kuru Kuru Pa Yak­i­tori – Yak­i­tori, kushiya­ki and yaki ongiri by DJ Steve Aoki and his restau­ra­teur broth­er Kevin Aoki — $$
  • Michos Tacos - Street tacos, aguas fres­cas and oth­er Mex­i­can favorites — $$
  • Nori Bar – Authen­tic sushi dish­es — $$
  • Pepita’s Kitchen – Lechon sta­ples by own­er Dedet de la Fuente — $$
  • Street­bird Las Vegas – Fried chick­en dish­es by Chef Mar­cus Samuels­son — $$ 
  • Sweet Eats – Sweet treats from around the world — $-$$
  • Ten Suns Braised Beef – Thai beef noo­dle dish­es — $$
  • Tiger Sug­ar – Tai­wanese bub­ble tea shop — $$
  • Wu Zhang Arti­san Noo­dles - Hand-pull thin noo­dles with minced pork gravy — $$

Fine Din­ing

  • Aqua Seafood & Caviar Restau­rant – A fine-din­ing expe­ri­ence helmed by Miche­lin­starred Chef Shaun Her­gatt cen­tered around seafood and caviar — $$$$ 
  • Bar Zazu – A vibrant, chic café́ show­cas­ing the spir­it and fla­vors of Europe in a fes­tive and styl­ish atmos­phere serv­ing Euro­pean tapas, brews, wine and cock­tails by Chef Nicole Bris­son — $$$
  • Brez­za – Mod­ern coastal Ital­ian fare from Chef Nicole Bris­son — $$$
  • Carver­steak – A reimag­in­ing of the clas­sic steak­house expe­ri­ence offer­ing dry- aged Amer­i­can steaks from arti­san pro­duc­ers, Japan­ese-cer­ti­fied Wagyu steaks and play­ful veg­an selec­tions in a mod­ern envi­ron­ment — $$$$
  • Cross­roads Kitchen – The first fine-din­ing ful­ly plant-based restau­rant on the Las Vegas Strip from Chef Tal Ron­nen — $$-$$$
  • FUHU – High-ener­gy, con­tem­po­rary Asian cui­sine from Zouk Group — $$-$$$
  • Genting Palace – Authen­tic Chi­nese cui­sine, seafood and dim sum — $$$$
  • Kusa Nori – Sushi bar and tep­pa­nya­ki grill — $$$
  • Stub­born Seed – Cov­et­ed Mia­mi – based restau­rant fea­tur­ing sea­son­al and local tast­ing menus brought to life by Chef Jere­my Ford — $$$$
  • ¡VIVA! – Mex­i­can cui­sine cre­at­ed by Chef Ray Gar­cia — $$$
  • Wally’s Wine & Spir­its – Restau­rant, wine bar and spe­cial­ty gourmet mar­ket — $$$-$$$$

Casu­al Eateries

  • Agave Bar & Grill – Pool­side Mediter­ranean fare and seafood — $$
  • Bites – Tra­di­tion­al snack bar at the pool — $-$$
  • Junior’s – Full-ser­vice break­fast, lunch, din­ner and late-night menu along with its leg­endary cheese­cake offer­ings — $$
  • Sun’s Out Bun’s Out – Inno­v­a­tive com­fort food — $$
  • The Co-Op Frosé and Eatery – Over 60 rotat­ing fla­vors of frosé, gourmet sand­wich­es and sal­ads — $$
  • Richie Palmer’s Mul­ber­ry Street Pizze­ria of Bev­er­ly Hills – Authen­tic piz­za slices and whole pies — $$

Bars and Lounges

  • Allē Lounge on 66 – Lux­u­ry cock­tail lounge with views of the Strip — $$$
  • Bac­carat Bar – Lux­u­ry cock­tails and spir­its locat­ed in Crock­fords Club — $$$
  • Bimi­ni Bar – Pool­side bar — $$
  • Con­rad Lob­by Bar - Expert­ly curat­ed cock­tails at the upscale, con­tem­po­rary lounge and bar — $$
  • Crys­tal Bar – Hand­craft­ed cock­tails and curat­ed spir­its — $$
  • Crock­fords Club Lob­by Bar - Lux­u­ry cock­tails and spir­its — $$$
  • Dawg House Saloon & Sports­book – Clas­sic Nashville sports bar — $$
  • Eight Lounge – A mod­ern and vibrant cock­tail lounge with more than 150 pre­mi­um cig­ars on hand in its cus­tom-built humi­dor — $$
  • Gatsby’s Cock­tail Lounge – Cock­tails, wines and rare cham­pagnes from Clique Hos­pi­tal­i­ty — $$
  • Gold­en Mon­key Tiki Lounge – Trop­i­cal escape with a mod­ern take on clas­sic Tiki bar con­cepts — $$
  • Here Kit­ty Kit­ty Vice Den – Laid­back speakeasy with an expert­ly craft­ed mixol­o­gy pro­gram — $$$
  • High Lim­it Bar – Lux­u­ry cock­tails and spir­its — $$$
  • Jalis­co Under­ground – Under­ground expe­ri­ence fea­tur­ing cock­tails inspired by bold Mex­i­can fla­vors — $$-$$$
  • Red­Tail – Social gam­ing bar by Zouk Group — $$
  • VIP Pool Bar – Locat­ed by the Athena Infin­i­ty Ultra Pool — $$$$


Resorts World Las Vegas offers a col­lec­tion of excit­ing retail brands and shop­ping expe­ri­ences. With approx­i­mate­ly 70,000 square feet of ded­i­cat­ed retail space, the resort presents two lev­els of unique shop­ping expe­ri­ences cater­ing to all tastes, rang­ing from renowned lux­u­ry and lifestyle appar­el brands to cut­ting- edge expe­ri­en­tial venues.

  • Aubi & Ram­sa – Boozy ice cream selections
  • Black Clover – Pre­mi­um lifestyle appar­el company
  • Cor­so – Arti­san jew­el­ry brand
  • Fred Segal – Spe­cial­ty lifestyle retail
  • Lady M – Lux­u­ry cake expe­ri­ence blend­ing French refine­ment with Japan’s aesthetic
  • Maceoo Cutz – Men’s Tai­lored Clothing
  • Major­wavez Lab – Sewing and paint­ing work­shop class­es for cus­tomiz­ing sneakers
  • Miss Behave Beau­ty Salon – Hair, nail, lash and make­up services
  • Nec­tar Bath Treats – Hand­craft­ed bath and beau­ty confections
  • O Bag – Cus­tomiz­able Ital­ian hand­bags • Rac­ing Mia­mi Las Vegas – Offi­cial For­mu­la 1 teams and dri­vers merchandise
  • Reset IVWide range of IV Hydra­tion packages
  • RW Stores – Snacks, refresh­ments, wine and spir­its and appar­el in Hilton Lob­by, Con­rad Lob­by and The District
  • Sug­ar­fi­na – Lux­u­ry can­dy boutique
  • The­atre Retail Store – Artist mer­chan­dise for Resorts World The­atre residents 
  • Twila True – Fine jew­el­ry and watches

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