May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Hotel Meet­ing Suites

The infor­ma­tion below per­tains to the Hotel Meet­ing Suites which are rent­ed by the week and used for dai­ly meet­ings dur­ing EDS. Infor­ma­tion for book­ing indi­vid­ual hotel guest rooms for atten­dees will be includ­ed in each reg­is­tra­tion con­fir­ma­tion email. Atten­dees must be reg­is­tered for EDS 2025 before receiv­ing the link to book sleep­ing rooms at the EDS 2025 nego­ti­at­ed rate.

Hotel Meet­ing Suites are in the Con­rad Tow­er of Resorts World. Infor­ma­tion regard­ing indi­vid­ual suite num­bers will be avail­able in mid-March. As Resorts World is a larg­er prop­er­ty than Mirage and EDS will not con­trol all of the suites, please con­firm all meet­ing loca­tions in the week pri­or to EDS 2024. Assigned suite num­bers may be sub­ject to change by Resorts World for con­di­tions beyond the con­trol of EDS Management.

Hotel Meet­ing Suites allow com­pa­nies with well-estab­lished dis­tri­b­u­tion net­works to meet com­fort­ably and pri­vate­ly to con­duct busi­ness. Invite your chan­nel part­ners and make group or indi­vid­ual presentations.

  • EDS par­tic­i­pa­tion fee, hotel par­lor charges, and staff badges are bundled.
  • Par­tic­i­pa­tion fee does not include the Hotel Resort Fee. The Resort Fee includes: prop­er­­ty-wide inter­net (pub­lic spaces), in-room inter­net access, fit­ness cen­ter admis­sion, air­line board­ing pass print­ing, and unlim­it­ed local and toll-free calls.
  • Quot­ed rates do not include audio­vi­su­al, cater­ing, etc.

Week­ly Hotel Meet­ing Suites rentals are from MON­DAY, MAY 19, 2025 (4pm check-in) TO FRI­DAY, MAY 23 (11am check-out). Ear­ly check-in is not guar­an­teed, as EDS is fol­low­ing the Elec­tric Daisy Car­ni­val (EDC) and the hotel is sold out. If your com­pa­ny has sched­uled meet­ings on Mon­day morn­ing or ear­ly after­noon, please con­tact info@​edssummit.​com to request the addi­tion of a Sun­day reser­va­tion (extra charges will apply).

Every­one in the show area (includ­ing Con­nec­tions Café, the ele­va­tors and Hotel Meet­ing Suites) is required to have a valid badge for EDS 2025. Please make sure that every­one you are meet­ing with is aware of this pol­i­cy. Badges should be picked up in the Reg­is­tra­tion Desk area. Each EDS 2025 reg­is­tered attendee will be issued 1 badge and replace­ment badges will incur a $150/​badge reprint fee.

Reser­va­tions for EDS 2025 Hotel Meet­ing Suites will open in Novem­ber 2025

  • Com­pa­nies who have pre­vi­ous­ly rent­ed hotel suites at EDS will be con­tact­ed via email by EDS Management.
  • If your com­pa­ny has attend­ed EDS in pre­vi­ous years and is request­ing one or more Hotel Meet­ing Suites FOR THE FIRST TIME, please con­tact info@edssummit.
  • If your com­pa­ny has nev­er attend­ed EDS and you are seek­ing approval to attend EDS 2025, please fill out this form.

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