May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Hotel Meet­ing Suites

Hotel Meet­ing Suites are in the Con­rad Tow­er of Resorts World. Infor­ma­tion regard­ing indi­vid­ual suite num­bers will be avail­able in mid-March. As Resorts World is a larg­er prop­er­ty than Mirage and EDS will not con­trol all of the suites, please con­firm all meet­ing loca­tions in the week pri­or to EDS 2024. Assigned suite num­bers may be sub­ject to change by Resorts World for con­di­tions beyond the con­trol of EDS Management.

Please indi­cate on your EDS Attendance/​Space Reser­va­tion form if you require addi­tion­al days in your hotel suite.

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