Planning and Promotion Overview
Connect with the top Distributors
Got a product to sell? You have to bring it to EDS. Nearly 400 distributors and 1,200 top personnel will be here and they’re looking for the best new products — like yours.
How do you reach them when you’re here? Keep reading for tips on making the most of your EDS experience.
- Advance Appointments Are The Key To Success At EDS
- Pre-EDS Promotion Is The Key To Advance Appointments
Advertise, publicize, write, fax, e‑mail and call, so your customers know you are offering something valuable at EDS in exchange for their time. Tell your distributors:
How seeing you will profit them!
When you want to see them — Which day! What time!
Why you want to see them, what you want to see them about.
Where you want to see them — Your Booth, Euro Suite, Hotel Suite or Conference Unit.
These are some DOs and DON’Ts to consider in planning your pre-EDS promotion:
DO call your distributors for appointments.
DO have something special to offer or to talk about. Exhibitors who offer Show Specials at EDS say they work well; that’s why they repeat them, year after year.
DO introduce new products.
DO involve your reps in appointment-making.
DO send out letters and flyers about your EDS special activities and promotions.
DO advertise your participation in the trade papers that your customers read.
DO provide your Booth number, Conference Unit number, Euro Suite, and/or Hotel Suite number.
DO augment your basic listing on this website with additional information about your distribution program..
DO publicize your activities at EDS on the official EDS app.
DON’T trust to luck or random traffic to keep you busy. The wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Showcase your company in front of 4,000 of the industry’s top decision makers. EDS Sponsorship Opportunities
EDS Graphics
As a service to exhibitors, EDS logos, ads and digital banners are available for download.
Use this artwork in rep bulletins, distributor newsletters, pre-EDS advertising, on your web site, advertising in the EDS newspaper and Directory and in your Show Special announcement literature.
Ad Agencies/P.R. Firms
EDS badges are available free to the marketing support firms serving exhibitors. Agency personnel should be badged in their own names, not as part of your staff.
EDS Summit Program
The EDS Summit Program is distributed to attendees on-site at registration. Information on advertising in the EDS Summit Program is available here.
EDS Web App
The EDS Web App provides you with a single, easy-to-use source to see who’s here, find maps and info, the official EDS schedule, news and updates from EDS and more. Just visit on your phone during the summit, and be sure to save it to your home screen for easy access.
Publicity Materials
The Show Corporation will maintain a press area at the hotel during EDS, where you can deposit publicity material for pick-up by attending press. But press attendance at EDS is selective, and most of the important industry publications assume that your press information has been sent to their home offices, so they may not review the press room packets.
We recommend that you mail your EDS press kit to the media in advance of EDS, and bring only a minimum number of press kits to Las Vegas for “drop-in” publications. Seven to ten kits will be adequate. A listing of key trade papers is here.