May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Who’s Here

Who’s Here

Meet­ings at EDS are pre-arranged and mutu­al­ly agreed upon. You must have received a meet­ing invi­ta­tion to attend a meet­ing at EDS and you must be reg­is­tered for EDS to attend meet­ings in the venue. It is express­ly for­bid­den to walk into meet­ings with­out a pri­or invi­ta­tion from the host­ing com­pa­ny. Fail­ure to com­ply with these rules will result in removal from EDS.

Access to the Who’s Here list is dif­fer­ent for EDS 2025. For the pri­va­cy of atten­dees, it is accessed through your EDS 2025 login.

Log into your EDS 2025 reg­is­tra­tion account and fol­low the instruc­tions. The list is updat­ed weekly.

This list is for the use of EDS par­tic­i­pants only, as an aid to sched­ul­ing and all space assign­ments are sub­ject to change, so please con­firm the loca­tion of any meet­ings. Remem­ber that every­one in the show venue must dis­play an EDS 2025 badge – make sure all invi­ta­tions to meet include this infor­ma­tion to avoid poten­tial embarrassment.


Most appoint­ments are made through pre­vi­ous­ly exist­ing rela­tions, but it is pos­si­ble to REQUEST an appoint­ment with com­pa­nies reg­is­tered at EDS who are open to receiv­ing inquiries. THIS ISREQUEST ONLY — IT IS NOTSCHED­UL­ING UTIL­I­TY AND NOTGUAR­AN­TEE THAT AN APPOINT­MENT REQUEST WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Com­pa­nies open to receiv­ing inquiries for meet­ings at EDS should fill out this form. Infor­ma­tion from com­pa­nies open to meet­ing requests are post­ed on the Match­mak­ing page.

Com­pa­ny Logos

To sub­mit your com­pa­ny logo for inclu­sion in EDS sig­nage and promotion:

Log into your EDS 2025 Reg­is­tra­tion (you will need the account email and pass­word to access). 

  • Man­u­fac­tur­ers and Com­pa­nies with Space at EDS 2025 — CLICK HERE
  • Attendee reg­is­trants — CLICK HERE

At the bot­tom of the Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion page, there is a prompt to upload a logo.

Files for inclu­sion on the EDS web­site should be .png or .jpg for­mat, trans­par­ent or white back­ground and min­i­mum width of 300px. Files for print should be Vec­tor for­mat (.eps or .ai).

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