May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Par­tic­i­pant Overview

EDS is the one show that puts you in front of the right peo­ple and con­nects you with the hottest prod­ucts in the elec­tron­ics indus­try. Whether it’s as a show exhibitor, in the con­fer­ence cen­ter, or dur­ing one-on-one suite meet­ings, EDS puts you at the fore­front of glob­al electronics.

More infor­ma­tion about EDS 2024 will come out over the next few months — make sure that you have info@​edssummit.​com list­ed as a safe sender to get the most up-to-date information.

To add your email address to receive mes­sages about EDS, please CLICK HERE to sign up.

Impor­tant EDS 2024 Dates

Novem­ber 2023- com­pa­nies who have rolled over space from EDS 2022 or who par­tic­i­pat­ed in Ear­ly Sign Up will be con­tact­ed by EDS Management

Ear­ly Feb­ru­ary 2024 — pre­vi­ous Dis­trib­u­tor and Rep atten­dees con­tact­ed via email with reg­is­tra­tion information

Late Feb­ru­ary 2024 — reg­is­tra­tion open for all Exhibitors and Attendees 

March 1, 2024 — final pay­ments due on space for EDS 2024

March 15, 2024 — last day for refund on space rentals

April 12, 2024 — last day to make sleep­ing room reser­va­tions at the Mirage

April 14, 2024 — late reg­is­tra­tion fees apply

May 21 – 24, 2024 — EDS 2024

What you can accom­plish at EDS

  • Meet with all your chan­nel part­ners from all over the world
  • Build rela­tion­ships, estab­lish trust
  • Intro­duce new prod­ucts and programs
  • Expand your cov­er­age with new distributors
  • Recruit and moti­vate reps
  • Bring dis­trib­u­tors onboard with your new strategies
  • Solve prob­lems, review mar­kets, set goals
  • Hold your nation­al sales meeting
  • Estab­lish and rein­force mind-share
  • Net­work with peers
  • Get on top of trends
  • Gath­er new ideas
  • Share best practices
  • Arm your­self with the infor­ma­tion you need to face the future
  • Get updat­ed on indus­try issues
  • Meet the press — EDS is a key event for the chan­nel media

Who attends EDS?

Par­tic­i­pants in EDS are pri­mar­i­ly man­u­fac­tur­ers of elec­tron­ic com­po­nents, plus sup­pli­ers of goods and ser­vices used by dis­trib­u­tors and sale reps. Atten­dees at EDS are dis­trib­u­tors and sales reps. 

400 Man­u­fac­tur­ers who sell through elec­tron­ic Distributors

  • Pas­sive and electro­mechan­i­cal components
  • Instru­ments
  • Dat­a­com products
  • Acces­sories
  • Active com­po­nents

Sup­pli­ers who sell to elec­tron­ic Distributors

  • Third par­ty logistics
  • Val­ue added equipment
  • Data pro­cess­ing equip­ment and software
  • Office and ware­house equipment
  • Con­sult­ing services

Mas­ter Dis­trib­u­tors autho­rized to sell to oth­er Distributors

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