May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Exhib­it Space Options

2024 Simplified Map Web
This floor plan is for example purposes only. Actual floor plan may vary.

Space in the Lily Ball­room is avail­able for set­up on Sun­day and Mon­day, May 18 – 192025

Lily Ball­room is open for busi­ness on Tues­day, May 20 from 8 am — 6 pm, Wednes­day and Thurs­day from 7 am — 7 pm, and Fri­day from 8 am — 12 noon.

Every­one in the show area (includ­ing Con­nec­tions Café, Exec­u­tive Meet­ing rooms, ele­va­tors and Hotel Meet­ing Suites) is required to have a valid badge for EDS 2025. Please make sure that every­one you are meet­ing with is aware of this pol­i­cy. Badges should be picked up in the Reg­is­tra­tion Desk area. Each EDS 2025 reg­is­tered attendee will be issued 1 badge and replace­ment badges will incur a $150/​badge reprint fee.

Staff badges are includ­ed in the price of Exhib­it Space rentals.




Dis­play Booth



Euro Suite



Base­camp Space — One Day*



Base­camp Space — Two Day*



*Short term small meet­ing space for Man­u­fac­tur­ers not rent­ing any oth­er space.

Reser­va­tions for EDS 2025 Exhib­it Space will open in Novem­ber 2025.

To secure your Exhib­it Space for EDS 2025, please review the infor­ma­tion below for your par­tic­u­lar situation.

  • If your com­pa­ny rent­ed Exec­u­tive Meet­ing Rooms at EDS 2024, you will be con­tact­ed via email by EDS Man­age­ment in Novem­ber 2024.
  • If your com­pa­ny attend­ed EDS in a pre­vi­ous year and is request­ing one or more Exec­u­tive Meet­ing Rooms FOR THE FIRST TIME, please con­tact info@​edssummit.​com.
  • If your com­pa­ny HAS NEV­ER REG­IS­TERED FOR EDS and you are seek­ing approval to attend EDS 2025, please fill out this form.

Details regard­ing spe­cif­ic con­fer­ence and exhib­it space at Resorts World will be pub­lished as it becomes avail­able. The pho­tos and draw­ings below are for ref­er­ence and plan­ning purposes.

EDS Display Booth
Display Booth

Dis­play Booths

Display/​Exhibit booths facil­i­tate prod­uct dis­play, pro­vide vis­i­bil­i­ty and offer expo­sure. These are for com­pa­nies with open dis­tri­b­u­tion net­works and allow brief stand-up meet­ings. They are espe­cial­ly help­ful in build­ing or expand­ing your dis­trib­u­tor and/​or rep net­work and allow you to speak with many atten­dees who walk through the Con­nec­tions Café!


  • 100 sq. ft. 10′ X 10′ Booth — 8′ high, 3′ high side rails
  • (1) Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sign

Dis­play booths are unfur­nished; fur­nish­ings may be ordered from the Show Dec­o­ra­tor (Shep­ard) for an addi­tion­al fee. Elec­tri­cal, audio-visu­al and cater­ing are not includ­ed and are ordered through Resorts World for an addi­tion­al fee.

Description Member Pricing Non-Member Pricing
Display Booth $2650 $3600

EDS Euro Suite
Euro Suite


Com­bine prod­uct vis­i­bil­i­ty and con­fer­ence area with one of our Euro-Suites!

Cost-effec­­tive 200 sq. ft. com­bo units. 13′ x 6′ car­pet­ed dis­play area in front accom­mo­dates 10 ft. booth; 13′ x 9′ fur­nished, car­pet­ed, and small con­fer­ence table.


  • GEM Walls @ 8’ high. 
  • (1) 42” round pedestal table
  • (4) con­tem­po­rary arm chairs
  • (1) counter
  • (1) stool
  • (1) ID sign
  • (1) waste bas­ket (a labor and fur­ni­ture charge may be in effect if changes occur). 

If you want to have a pri­vate con­fer­ence room 4 meters x 3 meters with a door, you can order the walls through the Show Dec­o­ra­tor for an addi­tion­al fee. Elec­tri­cal, audio-visu­al and cater­ing are not includ­ed and are ordered through Resorts World for an addi­tion­al fee.

Description Member Pricing Non-Member Pricing
Euro Suite $4800 $5950
Dhd 4592
Euro Suite

Man­u­fac­tur­ers Not Rent­ing Oth­er Space

We rec­om­mend that all man­u­fac­tur­ers plan on rent­ing space at EDS. In our expe­ri­ence, hav­ing a ded­i­cat­ed place to hold meet­ings, make pre­sen­ta­tions and exhib­it prod­ucts pro­vides sig­nif­i­cant advan­tages and can con­tribute great­ly to a suc­cess­ful Summit.

It can also save mon­ey. By rent­ing space, your com­pa­ny will have access to as many badges as need­ed – with­out incur­ring addi­tion­al fees. For those not rent­ing space, only four badges will be pro­vid­ed per reg­is­tra­tion, with a fee charged for each addi­tion­al badge.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers not rent­ing oth­er space are list­ed in the EDS Direc­to­ry and on the web site and can reserve short term meet­ing space for up to two days (see Base­camp and Meet­ing Room options below) instead of week­ly space rental.

Price includes four badges. Addi­tion­al badges may be pur­chased separately.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers attend­ing EDS for the first time may be eli­gi­ble to reg­is­ter at a spe­cial rate (sub­ject to verification)!

Description Member Pricing Non-Member Pricing
First Time at EDS $825 $1140
Returning to EDS $1600 $2200
Additional Badges $275 $300

Avail­able for an addi­tion­al charge

  • Pro­jec­tor and screen for your presentation
  • Food ser­vice and refresh­ments for your guests
  • Addi­tion­al elec­tri­cal outlets

Basecamp space

Base­camp Meet­ing Spaces

Our Base­camp Meet­ing Spaces allow Man­u­fac­tur­ers to take part in the EDS action even if they don’t have enough appoint­ments to war­rant a pri­vate meet­ing room or hotel suite.

  • Accom­mo­date up to 3 people
  • May be reserved for one or for two days
  • This meet­ing space is approx­i­mate­ly 10′ x 10′ with (3) 8’ hard wall pan­els, open on one end and at the top (sim­i­lar to a dis­play booth, but with full 8’ walls on three sides)
  • The space includes com­pa­ny sig­nage, (1) small round table with 2 to 3 chairs
Description Member Pricing Non-Member Pricing
Basecamp - One Day $1800 $2000
Basecamp - Two Days $3205 $3360
VJP 8833
Basecamp Meeting Space

Request­ing Space at EDS 2025

To request Con­fer­ence and Exhib­it Space or Hotel Meet­ing Suites, please email  to inquire about avail­abil­i­ty and allow 3 busi­ness days for a response.

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