May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Exec­u­tive Meet­ing Rooms

EDS Man­age­ment is in the process of reas­sign­ing space for those com­pa­nies who sub­mit­ted Ear­ly Space Reser­va­tion requests and infor­ma­tion regard­ing addi­tion­al space at EDS 2024 will be post­ed when it becomes available.

Please be advised that because of the change in venue, atten­dees are asked to con­firm any meet­ing loca­tions in the 2 weeks pri­or to EDS 2024 as space assign­ments are sub­ject to change, which is beyond the con­trol of EDS Management.

  • Hotel Meet­ing Suites are in the Con­rad Tow­er of Resorts World. Infor­ma­tion regard­ing indi­vid­ual suite num­bers will be avail­able in mid-March.
  • Exec­u­tive Meet­ing Rooms are on the sec­ond floor of Resorts World and event space is on the third and sixth floors.

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