ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms
ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms allow comÂpaÂnies with well-estabÂlished disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion netÂworks to meet comÂfortÂably and priÂvateÂly to conÂduct busiÂness. ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms are availÂable in a numÂber of sizes and conÂfigÂuÂraÂtions and are rentÂed on a weekÂly basis from TUESÂDAY, MAY 20, 2025 THROUGH FRIÂDAY, MAY 23, 2025. Select meetÂing space may also be availÂable for rental for a 4‑hour block or for a full day. Invite your chanÂnel partÂners and make group or indiÂvidÂual presentations.
- EDS parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion fee, meetÂing space charges, and staff badges are bundled.
- QuotÂed rates do not include audioÂviÂsuÂal, caterÂing, etc.
- ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms are on the secÂond floor of Resorts World and Event Space (Rose BallÂroom and Rose TerÂrace) is on the third and sixth floors.
ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms Details — Weekly
ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms are availÂable in a variÂety of sizes and conÂfigÂuÂraÂtions and are rentÂed from TUESÂDAY, MAY 20, 2025 THROUGH FRIÂDAY, MAY 23, 2025.
- Small — 0 – 999 ft sq
- MediÂum — 1000 – 1999 ft sq
- Large — 2000+ ft sq
- PreÂmiÂum Small — 0 – 999 ft sq, floor to ceilÂing windows
- PreÂmiÂum MediÂum — 1000 – 1999 ft sq, floor to ceilÂing windows
MeetÂing Room – Small |
$6,500 |
$7,750 |
MeetÂing Room — Medium |
$7,500 |
$9,000 |
MeetÂing Room — Large |
$8,500 |
$11,000 |
PreÂmiÂum MeetÂing Room — Small |
$7,000 |
$8,000 |
PreÂmiÂum MeetÂing Room — Medium |
$8,000 |
$9,000 |
ReserÂvaÂtions for EDS 2025 ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms will open in NovemÂber 2024.
To secure your ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Room for EDS 2025, please review the inforÂmaÂtion below for your parÂticÂuÂlar situation.
- If your comÂpaÂny rentÂed ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms at EDS 2024, you will be conÂtactÂed via email by EDS ManÂageÂment in NovemÂber 2024.
- If your comÂpaÂny attendÂed EDS in a preÂviÂous year and is requestÂing one or more ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms FOR THE FIRST TIME, please conÂtact .
- If your comÂpaÂny HAS NEVÂER REGÂISÂTERED FOR EDS and you are seekÂing approval to attend EDS 2025, please fill out this form.
ExecÂuÂtive MeetÂing Rooms Details — DaiÂly/Half-Day
Select meetÂing space may be requestÂed for rental for a 4‑hour block or for a full day, subÂject to availability.
Day MeetÂing Room, Small — 4 hours |
$825 |
$900 |
Day MeetÂing Room, Small — All Day |
$1,100 |
$1,200 |
Day MeetÂing Room, Med — 4 hours |
$1,100 |
$1,200 |
Day MeetÂing Room, Med — All Day |
$1,650 |
$1,800 |
Day MeetÂing Room, Large — 4 hours |
$2,750 |
$3,000 |
Day MeetÂing Room, Large — All Day |
$5,500 |
$6,000 |
EDS 2025 Badge Policy
EveryÂone in the show area (includÂing ConÂnecÂtions Café, the eleÂvaÂtors and Hotel MeetÂing Suites) is required to have a valid badge for EDS 2025. Please make sure that everyÂone you are meetÂing with is aware of this polÂiÂcy. Badges should be picked up in the RegÂisÂtraÂtion Desk area. Each EDS 2025 regÂisÂtered attendee will be issued 1 badge and replaceÂment badges will incur a $150/​badge reprint fee.