May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Adver­tise in the EDS Sum­mit Program

EDS pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for indus­try lead­ers to con­nect with their chan­nel part­ners at this must-attend indus­try event. Adver­tis­ing in the EDS Sum­mit Pro­gram allows you to get your brand in front of reg­is­tered EDS atten­dees dur­ing the Sum­mit. Please con­tact EDS Man­age­ment for addi­tion­al information.

Summit Program Cover

Sum­mit Pro­gram Adver­tis­ing Rates

Stan­dard Positions

  • Full Page $2,700
  • Half Page $1,900
  • Quar­ter Page $1,500

Pre­mi­um Positions

  • Inside Front Cov­er $3,100
  • Back Cov­er $3,100
  • Inside Back Cov­er $2,800

Sum­mit Pro­gram Specifications

Trim size 8.5″ x 11

Ad Sizes

  • Full Page: 8.5″ x 11
  • Half Page (hor­i­zon­tal): 8.5″ x 5.5
  • Half Page (ver­ti­cal): 4.25″ x 11
  • Quar­ter Page: 3.375″ x 4.25

Bleed Ads: Add .125″ on each side to dimen­sions shown for bleed ads (bleeds only avail­able on half page size or larg­er, and cov­er strip positions).

Safe­ty Mar­gin: Keep all live non-bleed images .25″ from trim edges

Adver­tis­ing Deadlines

  • April 21: Adver­tis­ing Reser­va­tion Deadline
  • April 27: Mate­r­i­al Deadline
  • May 21 – 24: Pro­gram dis­trib­uted at EDS Summit

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