May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Pol­i­cy on Pho­tog­ra­phy & Audio / Video Recording

The Elec­tron­ic Indus­try Show Cor­po­ra­tion (“EDS”) reserves the exclu­sive right to cap­ture pho­tographs, audio and video record­ings through the entire­ty of the EDS Lead­er­ship Sum­mit. Par­tic­i­pants in the EDS Lead­er­ship Sum­mit, by reg­is­ter­ing, rent­ing meet­ing or dis­play booth space, print­ing or oth­er­wise obtain­ing a badge and/​or enter­ing the con­ven­tion space con­sent to the cap­ture and reproduction/​publication (through­out the Sum­mit and there­after) of theirs’ and their employ­ees’ image, like­ness and/​or voice by EDS and/​or its autho­rized agents, with­out notice, lim­i­ta­tion or compensation.

While EDS appre­ci­ates cov­er­age and pro­mo­tion of the Lead­er­ship Sum­mit, no one par­tic­i­pat­ing in the EDS Lead­er­ship Sum­mit is per­mit­ted to pho­to­graph, film, record or oth­er­wise cap­ture visu­al­ly or audi­bly for any com­mer­cial pur­pose any dis­play, product(s) or the image of any oth­er Sum­mit par­tic­i­pants in any pub­lic area of the con­ven­tion meet­ing space. Pub­lic areas of the con­ven­tion meet­ing space include, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, all walk­ways and hall­ways in the con­tract­ed-for hotel and con­ven­tion spaces; Con­nec­tions Café́; and the Events Cen­ter. This pol­i­cy does not pro­hib­it pho­tog­ra­phy, audio or video record­ing by a par­tic­i­pant who cap­tures photograph(s), audio and/​or video recording(s) entire­ly with­in the participant’s rent­ed meet­ing space or exhi­bi­tion booth space and who obtains the express per­mis­sion of any oth­er par­tic­i­pant whose image or voice is being cap­tured. This pol­i­cy also does not pro­hib­it pho­tog­ra­phy or audio / video record­ing for per­son­al use.

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