May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Fraud Alert – EDS 2025

EDS Man­age­ment has been made aware that com­pa­nies who have par­tic­i­pat­ed at EDS in the past are being con­tact­ed by phone and email by indi­vid­u­als claim­ing to rep­re­sent EDS Man­age­ment regard­ing space at EDS, reg­is­tra­tion for EDS or book­ing hotel rooms for EDS.

All reg­is­tra­tions and space assign­ments for EDS are han­dled direct­ly through the EDS web­site or indi­vid­ual com­mu­ni­ca­tions with a mem­ber of EDS Man­age­ment and all sleep­ing room book­ings are han­dled through the offi­cial book­ing link that is received when an EDS reg­is­tra­tion is confirmed.

Ways to help spot a fraud­u­lent email:

  • EDS uses spe­cif­ic brand­ing in all com­mu­ni­ca­tions. If an email looks out of line with that brand­ing, it is like­ly not legit­i­mate. EDS reg­is­tra­tion also opens in phases. 
  • Check the email address domain. 
  • Exam­ine the sender’s dis­play name. 
  • Look for mis­spelled words. 
  • Hov­er over any links or attach­ments and do not open links if you are suspicious.

EDS reg­is­tra­tions, space assign­ments or hotel room book­ings that are made with a com­pa­ny oth­er than EDS Man­age­ment are not valid and will not be hon­ored. EDS is not liable for any pay­ment made or trans­fer of funds to any third par­ty fraud­u­lent­ly pur­port­ing to be or rep­re­sent EDS.

If in doubt, please con­tact EDS Man­age­ment direct­ly.

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