May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Share your award pho­tos with all of EDS in the Sum­mit Daily

Keystone Award

When you hand out awards dur­ing EDS to your best peo­ple, make sure their achieve­ments are also rec­og­nized across the industry. 

Send us your awards pho­tos for inclu­sion the EDS Sum­mit Dai­ly — our col­or­ful and infor­ma­tive Sum­mit-wide news­pa­per fea­tur­ing fresh con­tent from EDS events.

It’s free. And we’ll do our best to include all sub­mit­ted pho­tos, as time and space allow.

The Sum­mit Dai­ly is pub­lished on Wednes­day and Thurs­day dur­ing EDS

• Send your award pho­tos to .

• Award/​recognition pho­tos sub­mit­ted by 1:00 p.m. Las Vegas time on Tues­day, May 7th will be con­sid­ered for inclu­sion in Wednesday’s Sum­mit Daily. 

• Pho­tos and news received after that will be con­sid­ered for the Wednes­day or Thurs­day edi­tion of the Sum­mit Dai­ly. Any­thing received after Wednes­day, May 8th at 3:00 p.m. will not be con­sid­ered for inclusion.

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