May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

EDS + Resorts World: Bet­ter Togeth­er Ori­en­ta­tion Webinar

Eds24 webinar laptop

The excite­ment is build­ing! Near­ly 200 atten­dees joined us for our insight­ful and infor­ma­tive webi­nar. We are grate­ful for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share knowl­edge and con­nect with such a diverse audi­ence — from dis­trib­u­tors and man­u­fac­tur­ers to representatives.

EDS Staff and Board Pres­i­dent Chris Wadsworth walked atten­dees through Resorts World floor­pans and way find­ing, new items for EDS 2024, how to have a suc­cess­ful EDS and more.

The webi­nar pre­sen­ta­tion, links and Q&A are all avail­able below.

Down­load webi­nar slides:

EDS + Resorts World Webi­nar Slides

Links ref­er­enced in the webinar:

Webi­nar Q&A

Is the change to Resorts World and a week later in May permanent?

We will be at Resorts World in 2025 dur­ing the same week in May. We will be eval­u­at­ing 2026 and beyond short­ly after the Sum­mit this year.


How do we assign someone to stay in our suite now that we have our suite numbers?

You will be con­tact­ed for Suite Logis­tics in the upcom­ing weeks.


What time can we check into our suites on Monday, May 20th?

4:00 PM


Will the Connections Café be set up the same way to accommodate meetings?

Yes, the Con­nec­tions Café́ will be set up sim­i­lar­ly to as it was last year in 2023 with some high-top tables, chairs, couch­es, charg­ing sta­tions, etc.


I received my confirmation of payment for our suite, but why does it not include a link?

Please send a quick note to info@​edssummit.​com. That will be the best way for us to get you that link.


Do all ballrooms have a projector screen?

Ball­rooms and meet­ing rooms can be equipped with a pro­jec­tor and screen, but that will need to be arranged through the hotel A/V provider (Encore). The hotel will be in con­tact with all com­pa­nies reg­is­tered for ballrooms/​meeting rooms to arrange logis­tics, like pro­jec­tors and screens.


Does Resorts World have a FedEx office to send out our packages at the end of the week?

Resorts World does have a FedEx office locat­ed on lev­el two. Ship­ping infor­ma­tion will be made avail­able in the com­ing weeks.


When will we receive catering and A/V service information?

Resorts World will be con­tact­ing com­pa­nies with reserved space in the com­ing weeks.


Do we get the booking link when we pay for a meeting room like we did at Mirage?

Yes, please con­tact info@​edssummit.​com if there are any issues.


In previous years, we received access to the full list of Manufacturers attending with a contact name and location, which was great. Will this be added later on, or is this replaced by the matchmaking option?

The Who’s Here page on the EDS web­site has an up-to-date list of com­pa­nies who are reg­is­tered. Con­tact infor­ma­tion is only avail­able for com­pa­nies who give out that information.


For submitting my “Import Staff List Template,” do I need to create a username and password for Swoogo, or can I just email the names/info on an excel file to

You may email your infor­ma­tion in an Excel file to


Are we able to book rooms for Sunday, May 19th?

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there are no rooms avail­able at Resorts World on Sunday



Can EDS make any adjustments to the suite setup for meetings?

You will be able to make adjust­ments to your suite set­up. You will be con­tact­ed direct­ly by the hotel.


Where and when will the All-Industry Kickoff Reception take place?

The All-Indus­try Recep­tion will take place on Tues­day after­noon in the Con­nec­tions Café́, which is locat­ed in the Lily Ball­room on Lev­el two.


When will the Connections Café / Lily Ballroom floorplan be made available?

We are cur­rent­ly final­iz­ing the Lily Ball­room floor­plan with our dec­o­rat­ed. We expect to dis­trib­ute the floor­plan in ear­ly April.


When will the ECIA Member Welcome Reception take place?

The recep­tion will take place on Mon­day, May 20th in the afternoon.


Have the suites and suite numbers been assigned yet?

Yes, if you have reserved a suite and not received your suite num­ber, please con­tact info@​edssummit.​com.


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