May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Going Up?

Let’s talk a bit about one of everyone’s favorite – if that’s the word – top­ics at EDS: Ele­va­tors. Or more specif­i­cal­ly, wait­ing for ele­va­tors.

Don’t get us wrong, the Mirage is an absolute­ly won­der­ful place to hold the Sum­mit. But with over 4,000 atten­dees head­ing up and down all day for meals, meet­ings, indus­try events and what have you, some­times the ele­va­tors can get a lit­tle… tight. 

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The ele­va­tors can be a chal­lenge,” agrees Woody Wilder, vice pres­i­dent of sales, Mura­ta Amer­i­c­as. My best advice is not be in the main area” when stay­ing at the Mirage.

Maybe lose a few pounds before you go,” jokes Scott Kennedy, vice pres­i­dent of Logix sales and marketing.

Jeff May, pres­i­dent of Logix sales and mar­ket­ing, advis­es plan­ning your sched­ule with ele­va­tors in mind. Leave a lit­tle ear­li­er,” he sug­gests. And if you can’t? Be pre­pared to wig­gle your way through.”

If you’re stay­ing or hold­ing meet­ings in the Mirage Tow­er Suites, you’re in luck. You’ll have access to pri­vate ele­va­tors that run express between the lob­by and the 24th and 25th floors.

Of course, you can also emp­ty the pig­gy bank and set­tle down on silk sheets at the exclu­sive Vil­las at The Mirage. You won’t need an ele­va­tor because your vil­la is set in a seclud­ed out­door gar­den. And, as a bonus, it also comes with its own butler.

And don’t for­get to set aside time to meet your col­leagues at the excit­ing EDS All-Indus­try Event on Tues­day, May 7th, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

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