May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Impor­tant Note on COVID Protocols

The EDS Board wants every­one to feel com­fort­able par­tic­i­pat­ing in the meet­ings and social events when attend­ing the Sum­mit. The Board con­tin­ues to mon­i­tor the sit­u­a­tion and review the Summit’s safe­ty pro­to­cols. For instance, spe­cial accom­mo­da­tions are being made for the  All Indus­try Recep­tion. A larg­er venue has been secured for safer social dis­tanc­ing. The EDS Board vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly to move for­ward with EDS 2021. EDS remains one of the most valu­able, pro­duc­tive events we have in the indus­try”, said Board Mem­ber Tony Roybal.

Based on the Board’s review of the cur­rent CDC, state and local guide­lines, EDS has imple­ment­ed the fol­low­ing pro­to­cols. While we intend for the event to go for­ward as planned, the event may be impact­ed by future guid­ance from Fed­er­al and local author­i­ties and pro­to­cols will be adjust­ed as warranted.

The fol­low­ing is the cur­rent EDS guid­ance for attend­ing EDS:

By attend­ing EDS 2021, you agree to abide by and engage in cer­tain manda­to­ry health and safe­ty con­duct while attend­ing the event. 

Face Masks
The state of Neva­da and the Mirage Resort cur­rent­ly have a mask man­date in place. There­fore, EDS will be fol­low­ing the state’s man­date and requir­ing all atten­dees, regard­less of vac­ci­na­tion sta­tus, to wear a mask while attend­ing indoor EDS func­tions to mit­i­gate the risk to our atten­dees. This means that masks are to be worn at the EDS reg­is­tra­tion area, the Grand Ball­room and the Con­nec­tions Café. Masks are also to be worn in the Mirage com­mon areas, includ­ing casi­no, hall­ways and ele­va­tors. How­ev­er, it is up to each meet­ing host to deter­mine whether masks are to be worn by atten­dees with­in the host’s meet­ing space.

Safe­ty Protocols

EDS is work­ing close­ly with the Mirage Resort to pro­vide the safest envi­ron­ment pos­si­ble. Hand san­i­tiz­ers and masks will be avail­able for use by atten­dees. While there are no social dis­tanc­ing require­ments in place, each attendee should do what is com­fort­able for them and be mind­ful of oth­er atten­dees’ con­cerns. For a com­plete list of the safe­ty pre­cau­tions that the Mirage has imple­ment­ed, see MGM Resorts Health and Safe­ty Com­mit­ment.

By reg­is­ter­ing for the event, you are acknowl­edg­ing that an inher­ent risk of expo­sure to COVID-19 exists in any pub­lic place where peo­ple are present. By attend­ing the event, you vol­un­tar­i­ly assume all risks relat­ed to expo­sure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold the EDS or any of its affil­i­ates, direc­tors, offi­cers, employ­ees, agents, con­trac­tors, or spon­sor­ing asso­ci­a­tions liable for any ill­ness or injury. If the event is can­celed or post­poned EDS is not liable for any hotel and/​or trav­el arrange­ments that you may have booked. 

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