May 19–May 23, 2025

Resorts World ◦ Las Vegas

Plan­ning for EDS: It’s About Time

We want you to enjoy a suc­cess­ful EDS. So keep in mind these three plan­ning essentials:

EDS Video Screenshot

First, sched­ule appoint­ments ear­ly to make sure you have time slots reserved for your meet­ings. Some of the things I see with peo­ple who make mis­takes in sched­ul­ing is just not doing it ear­ly enough, not con­tact­ing the peo­ple they want to see,” says Lar­ry Heller, pres­i­dent of Orb­weaver.“ And by the time they get to them, their sched­ules are full.”

Sec­ond, be pre­pared. Make a check­list of what you want to accom­plish at each meet­ing. If you are pre­sent­ing, make sure your pre­sen­ta­tion reflects your goals. Arrange your pre­sen­ta­tion so that it allows time for a recap and questions. 

Third, keep to your sched­ule. Once you get behind in one meet­ing, you then show up late for the next meet­ing,” says Michael Cal­abria, pres­i­dent and CEO of ABRI­CON. Be respect­ful of oth­er people’s time and the fact that they also have mul­ti­ple meet­ings.“ It goes with­out say­ing that hold­ing all of your appoint­ments at the Mirage – rather than off-site – is an impor­tant part of this. 

And, final­ly, don’t for­get to set aside time to meet your col­leagues at the excit­ingEDS All-Indus­try Event on Tues­day, May 7th, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

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